73 pages • 2 hours read
Eleanor H. PorterA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more. For select classroom titles, we also provide Teaching Guides with discussion and quiz questions to prompt student engagement.
Pollyanna is unusual in being a children’s book populated with adults and in having a child protagonist who enters the world of adults and solves problems she is too young to have any personal experience with. The third person narrative continually emphasizes her childishness, describing her girlish habit of dancing on her toes and continually giving her the epithets “little” and “small”, thus making her a diminutive fairy-like presence amongst the adults she interacts with. For example, passages describe how “eagerly Pollyanna’s small feet pattered behind her aunt” and regard her from an adult perspective and sets her childishness apart from the world of adults (24).
In addition to continually establishing Pollyanna’s physical difference from the adults around her, the text makes her a cipher of childhood, who forces her adult peers to look at their lives afresh and become rejuvenated. Although Pollyanna goes to school and interacts with children her age, the narration does not show her relationships with her peers in any detail, emphasizing that “in spite of her delight in her new work, Pollyanna did not forget her old friends” and refocusing on Pollyanna’s interactions in the adult world (133). It is here, amongst those who have been conditioned by habit or loss to be as unlike Pollyanna as possible, that she can do her most striking work.
While Pollyanna uses her cute, smiling, diminutive appearance to disarm adults into thinking she’s an innocent little girl, she astonishes them with her garrulity and frankness. While honesty, without any regard for social convention is a childish trait, it is also a powerful weapon that can stop adults in their tracks, by at first annoying them and then causing them to rethink their ways. For example, when Pollyanna effuses to Miss Polly, “how awfully glad you must be you’re so rich!”, Miss Polly at first moves to lecture Pollyanna about the impropriety of talking about money and then makes a speech about pride about riches being a sin (23). However, over time Pollyanna’s idea that Miss Polly’s wealth is indeed copious and that she should be grateful and perhaps think about sharing it with others, penetrates.
Pollyanna also applies the childish trait of being able to look at an old situation with fresh, unprejudiced eyes. While the villagers who labor under rumor see Mr. Pendleton as a miserly old grump with skeletons in his closets, Pollyanna takes him at face value and decides he merely dresses in a funny, old-fashioned way and looks “lonesome” (52). The accuracy of her diagnosis is proven when he allows her into his life and eventually begs her to come and live with him.
Pollyanna’s childish influence can have a direct impact on many aspects on adult life, and it can only aid the romantic lives of Beldingsville’s villagers indirectly. Pollyanna continually fails to interpret bodily and emotional signs that Dr. Chilton is Miss Polly’s former lover—her blushes, his silences—even as she notices them, instead using her logic to pair her aunt and Mr. Pendleton. This temporarily misdirects the reader, who sees the situation through Pollyanna’s eyes, but also to show that Pollyanna is still innocent of romantic and sexual matters. If anything, she learns to be aware of these through Mr. Pendleton and his dictum that “it takes a woman’s hand and heart, or a child’s presence, to make a home” and applies it to Dr. Chilton, when she asks about his romantic life and why he does not have a wife (134). Her pronouncement that Dr. Chilton could easily win over a woman has a “flattering emphasis” that is “unmistakable” (160). This, in addition to Pollyanna’s consciousness of Dr. Chilton’s attractive height and broad shoulders indicate that she is just beginning to be aware of romantic love. Still, although Pollyanna may have a notion that she is attracted to Dr. Chilton herself, she is content to sublimate this into a more familial feeling when he reunites with her aunt.
Pollyanna’s accident and the resulting temporary loss of mobility take away her ability to intervene in the adult world. Sick in bed, this autonomous orphan is for once forced into the position of childish dependent as she begins to rely upon the adults more than they rely upon her. However, once she recovers, her wish to be able to walk everywhere and not ever ride in a buggy or an automobile again, indicates that she desires to recover an adult level of independence.
The optimistic personality of Porter’s heroine is so distinctive, that it lives on in the American cultural imagination to this day. Although the idea of being a Pollyanna is based on the original character, the meaning has shifted from the traits that define Porter’s original. For example, an online dictionary defines a Pollyanna as “an excessively or blindly optimistic person”, while the adjective pollyannaish describes someone “unreasonably or illogically optimistic” (“Pollyanna”; “Pollyannaish”). Both these definitions imply a careless person who ignores the difficulties of the current reality, groundlessly imposing their preferred version of events onto it. Porter’s portrayal of Pollyanna’s optimism, however, is more nuanced.
The aspect of Pollyanna’s optimism that is most like the dictionary definition becomes apparent when following the disappointment of learning that her aunt has given her the puny, stiflingly hot attic room in a lavish mansion, she finds ways to make the negative situation into a positive one. For example, although she wanted a mirror, she says that “I can be glad there isn’t any looking-glass […] ‘cause where there ISN’T any glass I can’t see my freckles” (26). Here, she makes the idea that she will not have to be faced with a dissatisfying aspect of her physical appearance into a consolation for the fact that her sole living relative does not appear to care for her. While Pollyanna waxes lyrical about how the beauty of the view from the window is better than any wall painting she would have originally wanted, Nancy who sees the real reason Pollyanna was given this room, bursts into tears. Here, Nancy’s more realistic reaction sets Pollyanna’s extraordinary one in relief.
While in the popular imagination Pollyannaism is largely to do with a change in perspective, Porter shows that how Pollyanna’s optimism leads her to act in ways that improve people’s lives. For example, on two different occasions, she does the hair of Mrs. Snow and Aunt Polly, making them look prettier and more feminine according to the values of contemporary society. These two women who have been relegated to the state of non-sexual beings through harmful stereotypes of disability and spinsterhood, are reintroduced to a more fertile realm where they are made to feel attractive and capable of change. Pollyanna’s daringly positive view of these women encourages them to see themselves differently and in the long term, live more connected, open-hearted lives. More importantly, Pollyanna’s constructive type of optimism helps serially rejected orphan Jimmy Bean find a home. She goes on a restless campaign, trying several approaches until she finally succeeds with Mr. Pendleton. Here, her optimism is not the pie in the sky thing of the dictionary definition, but something that is married with grit—there is a practical need, and she will do everything she can to meet it.
While optimism continues to be Pollyanna’s mainstay, she also learns its limits. For example, although she would wish for Mr. Pendleton to be less lonely, when she finds out that Aunt Polly is not his original love and that they cannot both go and live in his house, she finds that she must disappoint him. In choosing between Aunt Polly and Mr. Pendleton, Pollyanna must content herself with disappointing one of them, even as she does search for a consolation prize for the loser.
However, Pollyanna’s optimism is most put to the test under the threat that she has lost her mobility forever. Her immediate response is “if I can’t walk, how am I ever going to be glad for—ANYTHING?” as she appreciates how much being a busy, active person is intrinsic to her sense of joy (180). In Nancy’s words, she also realizes that “it’s easy ter TELL lifelong invalids how ter be glad, but ‘taint the same thing when you’re the lifelong invalid yerself” (184). Here, Pollyanna recalls her interactions with bedbound Mrs. Snow and gains the insight that it is easier to preach gladness in the face of hardship when you yourself have not suffered in the same way. Although Pollyanna has brief, vicarious moments of joy during her period of disability, such as when she learns that Mr. Pendleton has adopted Jimmy Bean, or she sees her aunt and Dr. Chilton together, lasting contentment eludes her and there is the sense that she has become a melancholier character. While this fits in with the early-20th-century’s prejudices around disability, it also shows that the modern stereotype of Pollyanna as unfailingly optimistic is an exaggeration.
The simplification of Pollyanna’s optimism is one that enables people in power to define their own grounds for hope against hers. To a cynical and well-informed public, laboring under the brain’s negativity bias, whereby unpleasant things have a greater and more lasting impact than pleasant ones, Pollyanna’s style of optimism can appear foolish and even dangerous. The culture therefore has drawn a sexist binary, whereby Pollyanna’s optimism is seen as the girlish, irrational kind, while that of, for example, male politicians is grounded and constructive. Such misunderstandings reduce the range and power of the original heroine.
Though the Vermont village of Beldingsville is in the United States, a country that was originally conceived as classless, at the turn of the 20th century, it has a rigid social hierarchy more proper to the old world. It is a world in which the Harrington parents reject the love match between their oldest daughter Jennie and the man of her choice, Reverend Whittier who “had only a young head full of youth’s ideals and enthusiasm” in favor of a more socially advantageous one with wealthy John Pendleton (8). When Jennie marries the Reverend against their wishes and moves West with him, the family cut her off, both financially and emotionally, having “little more to do” with a woman they now dismiss as “the missionary’s wife” (8). The class system is also reinforced through the breech between masters and servants. Masters such as Miss Polly, speak in haughty, patronizing tones to their servants, while servants are deferent to their masters. Servants such as Nancy find their masters, who conceal their emotions in the style of British aristocrats, unrelatable, because they do not react in the natural manner of “folks”, or ordinary people (144). While the rich dismiss and look down on the poor, the poor gossip about the rich, spreading rumors that damage their reputation and enhance the distance between them and the common people.
In the West, where Pollyanna has grown up, the class system is less easy to define. For example, as the pastor of a small missionary church, Pollyanna’s father has a middle-class education and status, but a working-class wage. Similarly, Pollyanna’s advanced reading is the product of her family’s education, while her ill-fitting, hand-me-down dresses are testament to their poverty. As a result, Pollyanna learns to judge people on character rather than social status.
In this context, the glad game, an ability to look beyond the crude, harsh facts and find the hidden positive, is a superpower. Just as the crutches in the original glad game held the hopeful message that Pollyanna did not need them; she learns to look beyond a class-defined appearance to see the emotional need of a person behind it. She does not address Mr. Pendleton with more deference than she does poor Mrs. Snow, approaching all with the same polite, yet familiar manners. This shows that Pollyanna lacks her elders’ classist preconditioning and has instead an egalitarian approach that is more in concert with evangelical Christian ideals and the original idea of America. Hailing from a vaguely defined Western territory that is less influenced by European civilization, Pollyanna reminds the Vermont villagers of the utopian spirit that conceived their nation.
While some class distinctions remain, with Nancy referring to her young mistress as “Miss Pollyanna” and Pollyanna transferring her affections from Nancy to Miss Polly over the course of the novel, Pollyanna models a new way of being middle class. She is approachable and warm, rather than distant and patronizing. She also revokes assumptions such as those surrounding the Payson family’s disreputableness or on the other end of the scale, Mr. Pendleton’s preference for engaging with foreign, heathen communities over their own. As a result, her ways lead to a more integrated society, as well as a more joyful one. Later, in the sanatorium, the novel hints towards more racial integration as well. While in Beldingsville non-white characters are not mentioned, Pollyanna writes how “Black Tilly who washes the floor, looked through the piazza window and called me ‘Honey child’” when she recovers her mobility (212). This statement shows that while racism and status issues keep Tilly apart from the group of white doctors, nurses, and patients surrounding Pollyanna, she is included in the joy at her recovery. This indicates that although stereotypes and prejudice persist, no one is excluded from partaking in the realm of human emotions. Thus, overall, Pollyanna’s ways hint towards a more egalitarian society, although there is still much work to be done.
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